Friday, January 5, 2018

El rector de Justin / The Rector of Justin

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Originally written in 1964, this story centers on the commanding and charismatic Francis Prescott, founder of a prestigious Episcopal school for boys, as it followsthe evolution ofa man through his failings, successes, and virtues. Through the observations of six narratorseach with unique perspectives on the man, his motivations, and the roots of his triumphs and failuresthis account chronicles a psychologically complex social history of the 80 years of his life.Escrita originalmente en 1964, esta historia se centra en elprominente y carismatico Francisco Prescott, fundador de una prestigiosa escuela episcopal para ninos, mientras sigue la evolucion deun hombre a traves de sus defectos, exitos y virtudes. A traves de las observaciones de seis narradorescada uno con una perspectiva unica sobre el hombre, sus motivaciones y las raices desus triunfos y fracasoseste relato narra una historia social psicologicamente compleja de los80 anos de su vida."

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